Jsp Project With Source Code
The following java project contains the java source code and java examples used for jsp login system. It is a login system in jsp. The user enters his name and password, then a java bean checks if the entry is the same as in the database in Microsoft Access and then it returns an output page according to if the name and password were valid or not.
Web.xmlSimpleWebAppjdbcFilter/.cookieFilter/.homeindex.html15- EncodingFilter Servlet. /WEB-INF/views/homeView.jsp<%@ page language='java' contentType='text/html; charset=UTF-8'pageEncoding='UTF-8'%It includes the following functions:LoginStoring user information in cookiesProduct ListCreate ProductEdit ProductDelete Product.
Written by Troy GiuniperoThis document describes how to create a simple web application that connects to a MySQLdatabase server. It also covers some basic ideas and technologies in web development,such as (JSP),(JSTL), the (JDBC) API, and two-tier, client-server architecture.
This tutorialis designed for beginners who have a basic understanding of web development and arelooking to apply their knowledge using a MySQL database.is a popular open source database managementsystem commonly used in web applications due to its speed, flexibility and reliability.MySQL employs SQL, or Structured Query Language, for accessing and processingdata contained in databases.This tutorial is a continuation from the tutorial and assumes that you have already created a MySQL databasenamed MyNewDatabase, which you have registered a connection for in theNetBeans IDE. The table data used in that tutorial is contained inand is also required for this tutorial. This SQL file creates two tables, Subjectand Counselor, then populates them with sample data. If needed, save thisfile to your computer, then open it in the NetBeans IDE and run it on the MySQL databasenamed MyNewDatabase.Contents.To follow this tutorial, you need the following software and resources. The welcome page ( index.jsp) presents the user with a simple HTML form.When a browser requests index.jsp, the JSTL code within the page initiatesa query on MyNewDatabase.
It retrieves data from the Subjectdatabase table, and inserts it into to the page before it is sent to the browser. Whenthe user submits his or her selection in the welcome page's HTML form, the submitinitiates a request for the response page ( response.jsp). Again, the JSTLcode within the page initiates a query on MyNewDatabase.
This time, itretrieves data from both the Subject and Counselor tablesand inserts it into to the page, allowing the user to view data based upon his or herselection when the page is returned to the browser.In order to implement the scenario described above, you develop a simple applicationfor a fictitious organization named IFPWAFCAD, The International Former ProfessionalWrestlers' Association for Counseling and Development. Index.jspresponse.jspCreating a New ProjectBegin by creating a new Java web project in the IDE:. Choose File New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N; ⌘-Shift-N on Mac) fromthe main menu. Select the Java Web category, then select Web Application. Click Next.The New Project wizard allows you to create an empty web application ina standard IDE project. The standard project uses an IDE-generated Antbuild script to compile, deploy, and run the application. In Project Name, enter IFPWAFCAD.
Also, specify the locationfor the project on your computer. (By default, the IDE places projects in aNetBeansProjects folder located in your home directory.) Click Next. In the Server and Settings panel, specify the GlassFish server as server which will beused to run the application.Note. The GlassFish server displays in the Server drop-downfield if you installed the Java version of the.Because the GlassFish server is included in the download, it is automaticallyregistered with the IDE. If you want to use a different server for this project,click the Add button located next to the Server drop-down field, and registera different server with the IDE. However, working with servers other than the GlassFish serveris beyond the scope of this tutorial. In the Java EE Version field, select Java EE 5.Java EE 6 and Java EE 7 web projects do not require the use of the web.xml deploymentdescriptor, and the NetBeans project template does not include the web.xmlfile in Java EE 6 and Java EE 7 projects.
However, this tutorial demonstrates how to declare adata source in the deployment descriptor, and it does not rely on any features specificto Java EE 6 or Java EE 7, so you can set the project version to Java EE 5.Note. You could equally set the project version to JavaEE 6 or Java EE 7 and then create a web.xml deployment descriptor. (From the New File wizard,select the Web category, then Standard Deployment Descriptor.).
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Click Finish. The IDE creates a project template for the entire application, and opensan empty JSP page ( index.jsp) in the editor. The index.jsp fileserves as the welcome page for the application.Preparing the Web InterfaceBegin by preparing the welcome ( index.jsp) and response ( response.jsp)pages. The welcome page implements an HTML form that is used to capture user data. Both pagesimplement an HTML table to display data in a structured fashion. In this section, you alsocreate a stylesheet that enhances the appearance of both pages.
Important: From this point forward, you need youensure that you have a MySQL database instance named MyNewDatabaseset up that contains sample data provided in.This SQL file creates two tables, Subject and Counselor, thenpopulates them with sample data. If you have not already done this, or if you need helpwith this task, seebefore proceeding further.Also, your database needs to be password-protected to create a data source andwork with the GlassFish server in this tutorial. If you are using the default MySQL rootaccount with an empty password, you can set the password from a command-line prompt.This tutorial uses nbuser as an example password. To set your passwordto nbuser, navigate to your MySQL installation's bindirectory in the command-line prompt and enter the following:shell mysql -u rootmysql UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = PASSWORD(' nbuser')- WHERE User = 'root';mysql FLUSH PRIVILEGES;For more information, see the official MySQL Reference Manual. Setting up a JDBC data source and connection poolThe GlassFish Server Open Source Edition contains Database Connection Pooling (DBCP)libraries that provide connection pooling functionality in a way that istransparent to you as a developer.
To take advantage of this, you need toconfigure a(Java Database Connectivity) data source for the server which yourapplication can use for connection pooling.For more information on JDBC technology, see.You could configure the data source directly within the GlassFish server Admin Console,or, as described below, you can declare the resources that your application needsin a glassfish-resources.xml file. When the application is deployed, theserver reads in the resource declarations, and creates the necessary resources.The following steps demonstrate how to declare a connection pool, and a data sourcethat relies on the connection pool. The NetBeans JDBC Resource wizard allows youto perform both actions.
Open the New File wizard by pressing the New File button in the IDE's main toolbar. Select the GlassFish server category, then selectJDBC Resource and click Next. In step 2, General Attributes, choose the Create New JDBC Connection Pool option,then in the JNDI Name text field, type in jdbc/IFPWAFCAD.The JDBC data source relies on,the Java Naming and Directory Interface. The JNDI API provides a uniform way forapplications to find and access data sources. For more information, see. Optionally, add a description for the data source.
For example, type in:Accesses the database that provides data for the IFPWAFCAD application. Click Next, then click Next again to skip step 3, Additional Properties. In Step 4, type in IfpwafcadPool for JDBC Connection Pool Name.Make sure the Extract from Existing Connection option is selected, and choosejdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyNewDatabase from the drop-down list. Click Next.Note: The wizard detects any databaseconnections that have been set up in the IDE. Therefore, you need tohave already created a connection to the MyNewDatabase databaseat this point. You can verify what connections have been created byopening the Services window (Ctrl-5; ⌘-5 on Mac) and looking forconnection nodes under the Databases category.
In Step 5, select javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource in the Resource Type drop-down list.Note that the IDE extracts information from the databaseconnection you specified in the previous step, and sets name-value propertiesfor the new connection pool. Click Finish. This concludes the Creating a Simple Web Application Using a MySQL Database tutorial.This document demonstrated how to create a simple web application that connects toa MySQL database. It also demonstrated how to construct an application using a basictwo-tier architecture, and utilized numerous technologies including JSP, JSTL,JDBC, and JNDI as a means of accessing and displaying data dynamically.TroubleshootingMost of the problems that occur with the tutorial application are due to communicationdifficulties between the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition and the MySQL database server.If your application does not display correctly, or if you are receiving a server error,the following examinations may be useful. Do database resources exist?Use the IDE's Services window (Ctrl-5; ⌘-5 on Mac) to ensure that the MySQLserver is running, and that MyNewDatabase is accessible and containsappropriate table data.
To connect to the MySQL database server, right-click the MySQL Server nodeand choose Connect. If a connection node ( ) for MyNewDatabase does not display inthe Services window, you can create a connection by right-clicking the MySQL drivernode ( ) and choosing Connect Using.
Enter the required detailsin the dialog that displays.The fields provided in the New Database Connection dialogmirror the URL string entered in the Show JDBC URL option. Therefore, ifyou know the URL (e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MyNewDatabase)you can paste it into the Show JDBC URL field, and the remaining dialog fieldsbecome automatically populated.
To ensure that the Subject and Counselor tables existand that they contain sample data, expand the MyNewDatabase connectionnode ( ) and locate the MyNewDatabase catalognode ( ). Expand the catalog node to view existing tables. Youcan view table data by right-clicking a table node and choosing View Data.Do the connection pool and data source exist on the server?After deploying the application to the GlassFish server, the glassfish-resources.xml containedin the project should instruct the server to create a JDBC resource and connection pool.You can determine whether these exist from the Servers node in the Services window. Expand the Servers the GlassFish Server Resources node.
Expand JDBC Resourcesto view the jdbc/IFPWAFCAD data source that was created fromglassfish-resources.xml. Expand the Connection Pools node to view theIfpwafcadPool connection pool that was created fromglassfish-resources.xml.
(This is.)Is the MySQL Connector/J driver accessible to the GlassFish server?Make sure that the MySQL Connector/J driver has been deployed to the GlassFish server. (This isdiscussed in.). Locate the GlassFish server installation folder on your computer and drill down intothe GlassFish domains/domain1/lib subfolder. Here you should findthe mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar file.Is the database password-protected?The database needs to be password-protected to enable the GlassFish server data source to workproperly in this tutorial. See AlsoFor more information about Java web development, see the following resources. NetBeans Articles and Tutorials.
Coversthe basics of working with a MySQL database in the IDE. An introductorytutorial describing how to use the JSF framework in a Java web project.
Anintroductory tutorial describing how to create an MVC web application using the SpringFramework. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL). (official product page). Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI).