Space Engineers Refinery Setup
I just started up the survival mode on the nearly empty map with just the dock and large refinery/assembler setup. I just got my second refinery and assembler built, but it doesn't look like they linked up to automatically transfer processed material to the assembler from the refinery like the original pair.I thought I mirrored them identically, down to the interior walls, but I guess I must have missed something, because ingots stay in the second refinery and have to be transferred by hand, which is a pain. Is that what conveyors do? Enabling option key shortcuts in matlab for mac. Did I just miss a conveyor between the first two?
Did I just not connect them properly, or is there a button I'm missing?Thanks!
Knowledgebase Space Engineers Space Engineers Torch and auto commands Categories 8. Dedicated Servers. 15.!blocks off type Refinery - this will turn off all refineries 5 minutes into the server startup (if your server takes 4 minutes to start it will run 1 minute after startup). Silent installation of firefox esr 52.8.1 for mac.