Sims Cheats Not Working

Well just in case you didn't read.T-Mex post: EAxis classifies cheats by 'tiers' basic, advanced and 'development' so to say. Cheats are intended to have restrictions based on that.At launch cheats were all classed as basic. That was changed to the above later on. When they first made that change to cheats, they didn't implement the restrictions correctly, the string of code was basically sitting there doing nothing.Then in the pet's prep patch, they finally did it right.
So currently, in a vanilla ts4, players can only access basic level cheats. And they enacted these changes to cheats without any kind of notice, moreso they outright denied it was intended when asked about this, and promised to 'fix' the 'oversight'.Needless to say it hasn't happened, and it most likely won't.

The only workaround is that one mod.Depending on what the cheat you want to used is classed as, you're out of luck.On a side note, there are tutorials on YT by countless creators on how to install mods. Most mods take nothing but reading carefully before installation for them to not be a mess, this one in particular is such a small tweak in the code (I've looked), you can't possibly get it wrong, but ultimately it's your call.
This mod enables the UI cheats extension, which allows you to use cheats by directly clicking on the UI, as opposed to typing a command. Currently, the mod includes the following functions: Draggable needs cheat (note: unlike in TS3, you can't drag it to the outside of the bar. If your Sims have the same problem making friends that I have in real life, the cheat console code relationship.introducesimtoallothers will.
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