Phicalculator For Mac

Calculator UseUse this calculator to find values that satisfy the golden ratio where (A+B):A = A:B. Enter any ratio term to calculate the missing golden ratio values. The answer also includes two additional, equivalent sets of golden ratio terms based on the golden ratio formula. What is the Golden RatioThe golden ratio, also known as the golden mean, is the value phi where phi = (A+B)/A = A/B.

Golden Ratio Formulas:For this calculator we use phi = ( 1 + sqrt(5)) / 2, which is rounded to 1.499. You can round your answers A and B to whole numbers or decimals up to 6 places.

Please note when interpreting calculated risks. Our risk calculators 3 and 4, including the information on MRI, have now been calibrated on a contemporary setting with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 40% for overall prostate cancer detection (i.e. 40% of men biopsied have prostate cancer) and a PPV of 20% for prostate cancer with Gleason 7 or higher.

ReferencesAn exact value for the golden ratio phi can be researched at MathWorld'spage.

Even when viewed from the side, the human head illustrates the Divine Proportion.The first golden section (blue) from the front of the head defines the position of the ear opening. The successive golden sections define the neck (yellow), the back of the eye (green) and the front of the eye and back of the nose and mouth (magenta). The dimensions of the face from top to bottom also exhibit the Divine Proportion, in the positions of the eye brow (blue), nose (yellow) and mouth (green and magenta).Human beauty is based on the Divine ProportionSee the photo below which illustrates the following golden ratio proportions in the human face:.

Center of pupil: Bottom of teeth: Bottom of chin. Outer & inner edge of eye: Center of nose. Outer edges of lips: Upper ridges of lips. Width of center tooth: Width of second tooth. Width of eye: Width of iris. I think that is an extremely interesting idea. However, I have an additional idea:If the golden ratio manifesting itself in virtually every physcial aspect of our bodies is the result of God’s design, then we can also look at God’s temporal ratio for our new city to run on as well.

As mentioned by Dr. Roger Barrier (site linked below), God has woven a 6:1 ratio into our schedule–6 days of work, one day of rest. So if we work best if we go through time 6 days on, 1 day off, what if everything was scheduled that way?

60 minutes of work, 10 minutes off, 6 times per work day (with the seventh block of 60 minutes being off and the end of the work day). Do that six days per week, with the seventh day off, and every seventh week being a vacation period. It’s a bit less work (as far as time spent per week and year) than we do now, but it might just make productivity explode, since it is the natural rhythm of our lives. Combine that with every structure being based on the golden ratio, and you might have the most beautiful city imaginable inhabited by the most productive and happy people possible.Dr. Barrier’s article. That would be a perfect world, and you have a very interesting idea. However, I always thought: if there was a perfect world, what would happen?

Would humans need a God and heaven if they already had everything here on earth? What would God do? Would he be happy that we humans were obeying his commands and living full lives, and then end the world in a peaceful way (such as merging the heavens and the earth together)? Of course, this will never happen, it is simply too impossible to believe that EVERYONE of the 7 billion people would be good, but it’s still achievable, so I always wonderjust food for thought in a very irrelevant place 🙂.Gary B Meisner says. Some more food for thought: Our “need” for God does not determine whether or not He exists, any more than your need for me determines whether I exist. God’s existence is either true or not true, and not a result of whether someone thinks they need Him or doesn’t think they need Him. Even if you think He doesn’t exist and you don’t need Him, you still need a very good explanation for how you got here that can never be answered by science.

For the simple reason that it’s impossible to observe the evidence or recreate the circumstances.Susan says. And yet the question remains, “Why?” Other animals manage to procreate and create healthy offspring without any awareness at all of beauty or desire for it. Do you think that fish, birds, rats or even monkeys are drawn to select a mate because their thoughts linger on an aesthetic concept of that mate’s innate beauty? Do they have an understanding and awareness of beauty that invokes similar feelings of awe, enjoyment, attraction and inspiration when looking at a starry night or the beautiful array of colors in a sunset? No, there’s something much deeper in the human experience of life that appreciates beauty for its own sake, and that is completely unnecessary from an evolutionary perspective for a species to procreate and sustain itself.

We might actually very well follow the same reasoning as animals when choosing a mate. I remember some social psychological research when attending university which indicated that what we perceive as beauty is in fact a proxy for health.In the study in question students were asked to attribute from a list of given traits to images of different people; like this person is rich, powerful, nice, healthy, mean, beautiful and so on. In the results were there no correlations between the groups of chosen traits, except two: health and beauty. The study’s participants considered the people they thought to be healthy also as beautiful and vice versa, indicating both things are kind of the same. Beauty would therefore be just a human specific cultural concept for health, which in turn means healthy offspring in a darwinist sense.Of course correlation doesn’t necessarily mean connection or relation but it’s an interesting thought.BooBoo Bailey says. Here’s an article on the The abstract says the principle of information coding by the brain seems to be based on the golden ratio. Psychologists have claimed memory span to be the missing link between psychometric intelligence and cognition.

By applying Bose–Einstein-statistics to learning experiments, a fit was foundn by Pascual-Leone correlating predicted and tested span. Multiplying span by mental speed (bits processed per unit time) and using the entropy formula for bosons, we obtain the same result. If we apply span as the quantum number n of a harmonic oscillator, we obtain this result from the EEG. The metric of brain waves can always be understood as a superposition of n harmonics times 2Φ, where half of the fundamental is the golden mean Φ (=1.618) as the point of resonance.

Swine flu ppt download for mac. Such wave packets scaled in powers of the golden mean have to be understood as numbers with directions, where bifurcations occur at the edge of chaos, i.e.