Fallout New Vegas Boobs

Well god damn! I got the window opening, pumping in some crisp autumn air. I got enough caffeine pumping through my veins to kill a baby calf. And I got no pants on. That can only mean one thing: it’s time for Welcome to your typical Friday den of debauchery. The column where I, in nothing resembling intelligent discourse, detail five things that caught my eye in the world of gaming this week. I implore you to rock the comments box, oh ye gamepad warriors, with the bullshit that you enjoyed.Hit me.—-#1: 80% of Gamers Are Cool With 3D Gaming; 80% of Gamers Are DouchebagsA pretty depressing.

Man Boobs, Creepy Fetishes, And Fallout: New Vegas. October 22nd, 2010 by Caffeine Powered. Well god damn! I got the window opening, pumping in some. Hawke's mum called, she wants her comically over-sized breasts back. #22 Cornman89. Boob modders are.

Apparently 80% of gamers are willing to use 3D glasses whilst gaming. Oh good lord. Ever since last December and Avatar, this 3D phase has been god damn killing me. Listen, if I knew seeing Navi tail-fuck plant life was going to bring this hell upon us, I never would have indulged my curiosity and seen the flick. I think we’re all very, very, very sorry for participating in the biggest culture Gimmick Fucking in god knows how many years.I’m sorry guys.

And since it made a billion-zillion dollars, you probably are too.What a world we live in, where twin blights are ravaging across the gaming landscape. Motion controls, and 3D gaming.

Fuck man, I don’t want either of them. I don’t want to do karate kicks to tell a character to lay a smack down. And I don’t want to don goggles just to play a video game.

God damn you, 80% of gamers. What are you doing to me? You’re ruining it all! This is some truly type shit we’re wading into. Incredible distances spanned between people, just sitting next to one another on a couch. No talking, just 3D goggles and the old internet pipes connecting us to one another in on a Battlefield map.I despair.—-#2: Pair of Sonic Fans Release Better Game Than Sonic 4Remember when Sega announced Sonic 4?

They told us it was going back to being a side-scrolling wunderkind? We all danced in the streets and high-fived and screamed at the skies? Yeah, and then it was released last week. And it was mediocre at best, and we were all like, no seriously, why’d we think they’d get it right this time?Well, cheer up, Charlie.Super Sonic fans, Pelikan 13 and Mercury have released their own Sonic the Hedgehog Remake, and it looks fucking gorgeous. Behold the power of an inspired pair of nerds. The game is called Sonic Fan Remix and you.

A free game, gorgeous as fuck, and somehow more faithful to the franchise than the afterbirth that was burped up by Sonic last week across the XBL and PSN.Maybe I’m being too harsh. I downloaded the demo, and it was decent enough to cause a “fuck, so close” lament. It just felt off, which is remarkable since the Sonic formula is so simple. Disagree with me? That’s cool, I’m glad you enjoyed it.

But just watch the video and/or download Sonic Fan Remix, and tell me it isn’t a work of bonery. I double dare you.—-#3: Father and Son Team Up To Build Functioning Metroid Arm CannonA couple of weeks ago, I went to the midnight release of Halo: Reach. While I was there, I saw a dad and his son waiting to pick up the game together. I thought it was the coolest thing ever, so I told my girlfriend.

I was all like “Man, I hope my son wants to go to midnight releases with me.”She then gave me a look and told me that if my son wants to go to midnight releases with me, that we pretty much did the inevitable when mixing DNA with me: created a social retard. I saw her point, but a part of me died inside.That’s why I dig this video so much. Eleven year-old Joseph DeRose and his father Tony went all out on Joey’s Halloween costume this year. They built a motherfucking functionable arm cannon from Metroid.

Well, not functioning in the sense that it can blow people the fuck up and shit. That would be the dopest. But no, check it out: it’s got input codes to verify identity, multiple settings for different beams, and it lights the fuck up.Like I said, endearing.

The video is enjoyable, just hop around and get the inner workings of the arm cannon from Tony and his kid.#4: Oprah Gives Kinect Away to Retarded Soccer Moms; They Go Ape ShitThis is some legitimately freaky shit. Oprah’s cult is stupendous. They’re a herd, willing to die for their goddess. The merest suggestion that something is worthy of being excited about sends them into the throes of ecstasy that is unimaginable by sane minds. Take in point this clip: Oprah gives the Kinect a good and firm handjob, debuting the gimmicky piece of shit on her show.

But wait, it gets better. Not only does she rock out this obvious infomercial, but she does everyone in the audience a serious solid.You know, the hardcore gamers in the audience. Oh wait, they’re just women who watch Oprah and dream about fucking. Yeah she gives them an Xbox 360 and Kinect! What follows is nothing short of pandemonium. These chicks start flipping their shit.

Clapping riotously. Why, why wouldn’t they! These old ass hags can’t wait to pwn some motherfuckers in Black Ops! Like seriously!When considering Oprah’s audience, I always think of Fight Club when Tyler talks about how oxygen gets you high. I just imagine the studio filled to the brim with pure oxygen, and the calisthenics these chicks pull getting that shit directly into their membranes.

High as fuck. Creepy man, creepy.—-#5: Fallout: New Vegas Unboxing Video Features Man Tits, Underwear, AwesomenessLet me say this: I think unboxing videos, are for the most part, fucking retarded. I don’t get the allure of a legion of mouth-breathing dummies putting up videos of them opening up their Halo: Reach Super Dildo editions on Youtube. Like, seriously? In some cases, a well-done one by a legit site like Gizmodo is enjoyable.

Show me that new iPhone! But they’re professionally done.Creepy videos, shot in dark rooms, by an untalking narrator? Make me cringe. There’s something so fetishistic about it. Like, you know the guy unwrapping it is getting so horny for the commodity they’ve just opened. Oh Jesus Christ, a?

The things we find erotic today.So this video is pretty epic. Youtube user KevinWk takes to unwrapping Fallout: New Vegas. But the dude is shirtless. And he’s got some gorgeous titties like what. And he’s in his boxer shorts. Kevin spends a good three-minutes poking fun at all of the unboxing videos of the world.

Now, I don’t think that its worthy of its three-minutes run time, but you get the point. It’s ludicrous and subversive, and I can get behind that. Plus, I love me some man titties. Well done, sir.—-Well, that’s it for me and my warped perspective.

What’d you guys dig on this week?

This question has probably been asked before, but I've looked through a lot of the thread (as well as Steam's forums) and I can't find an answer: what's up with the 4GB executable and Steam's achievements? I finally finished downloading the large, hi-res texture pack (3.1 GB) and the installation instructions say that I need the 4GB executable in order to avoid numerous CTDs when using the textures. When I open the executable, Steam shows that I'm playing F:NV, but it isn't keeping track of time played or achievements and guides don't pop up in the Steam overlay. I've tried creating a desktop shortcut and adding '-SteamAppID 22380' to the end of the target, but the Steam overlay still doesn't seem to work properly. I'm not big on achievements, but they're nice in huge, sprawling games like F:NV because it helps me keep track of what I still haven't done in the game. Are there any fixes, or am I just going to have to do without?Something is wrong on your end. It works as it should for me.From the FNV4GB readme.

Quote:Running-Just run FNV4GB.exe to launch the game! You don't even need it in the gamesdirectory, just make sure fnv4gb.exe and fnv4gbhelper.dll are together.If your version of Fallout New Vegas is not the standard version with theSteamAppID of 22380 you need to run fnv4gb.exe and specify the actualSteamAppID on the command line.

Example: fnv4gb.exe 22380The Ultimate Edition is 206540, the normal one 22380 although it shouldn't be required to specify the ID in a command line as long as you have both files mentioned above in the same directory.Is it working as it should when you run the game with the normal executable?Are you using a mod manager? If yes, make sure it actually launches the 4gb file, not the standard executable.Aug 10, 2013 09:14.AdbotADBOT LOVES YOU. As much as it pains me to say it, AWOP is really bloated and unbalanced, and it really doesn't play nice with other mods without a compatibility patch.

I'd really just recommend uninstalling it and moving on. If you want more poo poo to shoot at, fine, but don't use it expecting deep gameplay. It's really a shame, since Fallout mods are really lacking in the 'dungeon' department. The closest you can get is FNV Interiors or Monster Wars.I like AWOP for the reasons you mentioned. More dungeons and poo poo to gently caress up.

It has some odd, if not stupid stuff but it pleases my explorer/murder needs. Guess I'll just finish this run with AWOP and do the next with Tales instead.I'll check out FNV Interiors as well, thanks.Aug 12, 2013 16:34.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I've just finished my first, mostly-vanilla playthrough, so I'm ready to start adding a lot more mods.

I'd rather not start over, though, so are there any good quest/dungeon mods that can still pose a challenge to a level 50 character without any overhauls? I'm thinking that A World of Pain would be good, but some other suggestions would be much appreciated.Also, is the Monster Mod still as badly implemented as the OP suggests?New Vegas Bounties I + II. Haven't played The Inheritance yet.AWOP, well, that one gets a lot of hate and I can see why people dislike it.

By the time you're done with the first AWOP location you are likely in the possession of excellent gear, a shitload of caps and more ammo then you'll ever need. There are, however, patches for it that adress some of the issues people have with it.Balance and clean up, get the second file, rebalances the overpowered M weapons:Patches for low loot and less NPCs, in case your machine starts to choke.AWOP also has a MCM menu to allow tweaking, so if you install the patches and activate some of the options in the MCM it's a fun addition.Monster Mod had a couple of issues and re-releases but the current version, as far as I can tell, is far from being the clusterfuck it used to be. It's still not the perfect recommendation if you like to sperg about lore.

There is a MM Wasteland edition but I haven't tried that yet and seeing as it requires an earlier version of MM it's probably just stripped off the problematic material.Here's the re-release. Get the Harderman optionals for MCM integration.Apr 7, 2014 06:26.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. AWOP is a horror show but I play with the independently patched, low loot version because it provides a chance to actually use all my cool weaponry.

The base game provides maybe only a half dozen serious fights, and no other mod really addresses the problem of playing what is on many levels a weapon-collecting game without enough fights.That's basically the only reason I used it on previous playthroughs. Not using it anymore because some locations choke my machine due to the absurd amounts of enemies AWOP throws at you. That might not be the case if I'd ditch NMCs texture pack and other fancy eye candy but a) I refuse to go back to 'old' Vegas and b) I doubt it. Still, it's a mod anyone who likes more locations and pumping lead into enemies should try at least once.Apr 7, 2014 17:06.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I'll try that later if I can. Had to leave the desktop for the evening.Edit: Alright I used FNVEdit and discovered that the UHNV Chems and UHNV Bobbleheads were causing the error. No amount of moving them around the load list fixed it but unchecking them totally let it go through the check.

I'm able to load the game and play now!Also you were right, I was missing the Interior Core. I totally forgot to download it.UHNV Chems and Bobblehunt are support patches to add compatibility with the actual Chems and Bubblehunt mods. Without them you lack 2 esms, game crashes.

FNVEdit should have stopped upon loading them complaining about missing masters.And while I'm at it, you should only use one of the Simple Street Lights esps. Using both is a bad idea since the extra lights does the same as the normal one with more bling.Sensenmann fucked around with this message at 18:18 on Apr 16, 2014Apr 16, 2014 18:12.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012Is there a Fallout 3 modding thread? The most recent is from sometime back in 2008. I'm feeling like playing it again but I'd rather not stare into the Nexus pit for too long to figure out which mods I should get.Apr 27, 2014 13:00.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I'm having a bug with building my bashed patch. It keeps crashing and spitting out this error:Run FNVEdit and see if it gives an error as well.

Pay close attention to the Armor Collection.esm since that seems to be the culprit. If that throws an error in FNVEdit as well try redownloading the mod, maybe the files you have are broken.And while I'm at it, your loadout really calls for a merged patch. Make one.May 22, 2014 18:12.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012Good to know. Might be interesting to figure out why this is happening but skipping import graphics seems the easier option. Heh.May 22, 2014 21:01.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Decided to try and install New Vegas redesigned 3 and it appears to have borked my game pretty good. Doc Mitchell doesn't even spawn in for a new game start any more and disabling the.esm and.esps that installed doesn't correct this.

Anyone else had this problem?Tried loading up an old save (with everything enabled) and some of the legionaires that spawn at Nipton were missing whatever their new helmet textures were supposed to be.NVR3 requires the assets from but it won't work properly or downright crash if any FCO esms or esps are active in your load order.That being said, install FCO, make sure none of it's esms or esps are activated in your load order.Install NVR3, say yes to overwrite.Activate it's esms/esps. Done.If that won't work post your load order.Aug 30, 2014 04:59.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Is there any advice for debugging lag issues?

I'm getting 60 FPS in the wasteland, but as soon as I enter a town (Novac for example) I'm maybe getting 5 individual frames of game every 5 minutes. If you look around the game will freeze up (without a CTD) as if it's loading and will continue to do this for 5 - 10 minutes as long as you stay completely still. I've tried disabling every texture pack and LOD mod I have but it still runs like this. I'm running NVSE, NVAC, NV Stutter Remover and FNV4G. I really have no idea what it could be or what I could start disabling. Here's my load order:For starters, you are loading multiple esps for the same mod.

Mojave Extended, use only one. CCO - Ulysses, use only the all dlc patch.Next, you don't have a Bashed Patch? Get Wrye and fix that asap.

Play teen titans battle blitz. Also make sure that you remove the levelled lists from the Merged Patch, Bash is better at this.Finally, run LOOT.Also, it's a good idea to use the memory patch.Create a file called 'nvseconfig.ini',without the quotes, and put it in your data/nvse directory. Open it with a text editor of choice and copy&paste the following line into it:MemoryDefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=400Save it and make sure it's saved as ini, not txt.

Run the game and you should see a signficant improvement in terms of stability, once you have your loadorder sorted, merged and bashed.Sensenmann fucked around with this message at 20:36 on Sep 11, 2014Sep 11, 2014 20:29.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. 'Finally my load order seem to be in order, now just to take a quick check in-game to see if anyth-'God Dammit.Do anyone know what could be causing this?This is my current load order:The Merged Patch does not have a leveled item list, so I don't know why Alternate Start is giving me these supposedly '(replaced)' guns.First of all, you didn't read the Redesigned 3 description. FCO is a mandatory install but the esm/esps for it should be deactivated after installation to avoid issues. At least that was the case last time I checked.Next, you are using JIP Companions and some UnlimitedCompanions.esp. The latter is completely redundant since JIP has an option for that.If you are using the latest MoMod, 10.b I think, the rebalanced levelled mod is likely to poo poo on your game at some point since it's been made for 10 and incompatible with 10.b. If you insist on using MoMod, get the Wasteland editon and use its plugins with MoMod.And finally, use a Bashed Patch.

Wrye Bash/Flash is superior to FNVEdit when it comes to levelled lists and patch merging, so get to it asap. And to avoid confusion, simply read this:Once you've set up Wrye and are ready to Bash your mods pay close attention to this part of the guide.You can skip the entire Tweak Settings part if you want, or be selective about it. Some tweaks are probably already in your game due to PN/FOOK or other mods anyways.Sensenmann fucked around with this message at 20:40 on Sep 24, 2014Sep 24, 2014 19:25.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I've been hearing arguments for both tools, and have tried both of them in the last few weeks, but most of my experience with Wrye Bash comes from my Oblivion days, so I'm pretty rusty at it.

I like FNVEDIT so far, but I might look more into Wrye Bash again.Thanks for all the advice, though!You can use both, which is an especially brilliant idea if your mod list is bordering on the insane. First, create a merged patch and delete the Leveled Creature/Item/NPC and FormID List entries from it, that's what Wrye is for. Fire up Wrye, uncheck the Merged Patch, rebuild the Bashed Patch using the S.T.E.P. Settings, done. Use loot to sort or simply put the Bashed patch at the bottom and the Merged patch right before it.

This should also take care of your (Replaced) problem. If not, deal with it.

I had that in one play through and in the next it was gone. Nothing was changed between the two runs.Sep 24, 2014 21:38.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. The author of EVE is about to release a mod called IMPACT where he has overhauled all the ballistics effects (shoot a wooden door, wooden chips go flying, shoot a pillow and feathers pop out, etc), bullet decals both on inanimate and organic objects, and a bunch of other effects. It in combination with the latest version of Destruction Overhaul makes shooting, well, everything an awful lot of fun now.Speaking of Destruction Overhaul, any idea why it got taken down? I wanted to try that in my next playthrough but it's gone.Sep 27, 2014 16:22.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012.

The story as it was managed to put together is that the author's family/friends started to really get on her rear end about how much time she was wasting on modding and how worthless it all was and in her fury she deleted everything she had done and removed everything. Then when she calmed down, realized what she had done was stupid. Last I looked i nto it, she was able to recover some of her files through a hard drive recovery program, someone obviously sent her the latest version that she had uploaded at the time, and that she was working on redoing the in-progress work.

I guess the intention is to re-up it. I have the latest version that I can throw up somewhere in the meantime though.Ah, so your bog standard modder furyThanks!Sep 27, 2014 18:15.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. So in the before I play thread convinced me to give the game a second chance on the PC after quitting halfway through a few years back on my PS3 copy due to frustration over it crashing so frequently.Never modded a game before so I'm having a bit of trouble reconciling the OP in this thread and the referenced post. OP mentions FOMM, which I initially installed but could not get the BOSS update to work, so it wouldn't sort my files. I then checked out LOOT suggested in the before I play thread but maybe I'm being real goddamn dumb, I'm not sure how to launch the game from there or how to make sure the proper exe is being used. If I understand everything correctly I need to launch from the 4GB exe to get that working, and that should detect/load NVSE, but how do I make sure my mods launch correctly if I launch directly from the 4GB exe in the steamapps folder?

Feel like I'm missing something super obvious.That's why people recommend Mod Organizer over FOMM-FORK / NMM.Anyways.1) Install the mods you want to run, activate all of them, close FOMM.2) Navigate to your Loot folder and run loot.exeLet it sort your mods, apply, close loot. This is now your load order, no need to run FOMM ever again unless you want to add mods, in which case you go back to step 1)3) Find the FNV4gb.exe in your New Vegas root folder and run that.

Somewhere on your PC is a loadorder.txt file or something, that's where the game, WryeBash and your mod manager of choice get's the load order info from. Your mod manager is only required for mod installation, it's not necessary to launch the game through it once your load order is all set.I'm not on my windows PC right now but that should be about all that is to it.

If you need more help, just post here.Sensenmann fucked around with this message at 07:43 on Oct 20, 2014Oct 20, 2014 07:39.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Well I disabled WME and it looks like the weapon mods from WMX aren't working either. I have absolutely no idea what the problem could be and I don't want to keep playing until I fix it.

I've gotten rid of any excess plugins, so that's not the problem. The only other thing I can think to do is rip out and reinstall of the mods, and I rather don't want to do that.Care to post your current loadorder?Does Loot throw any errors when you run it?What happens when you run TES5Edit?I'm not sure how FOMM handles archive invalidation since I only use FOMM-FORK for UI mods but if there is no ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!bsa in your data folder this might be part of the problem.Do you use a Bashed Patch?Oct 20, 2014 12:24.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Hey guys, this thread has been pretty good for inspiration and expectation-setting, so thanks!I finally dug into modding Fallout 3 a using a premade wine wrapper so it'll run on my Mac.

Has anyone else in the thread done this with F3 or NV? Looking for some general tips, since using wine seems to add an extra layer of buggyness potential.Someday, someday. I'll get a PC.Don't use Wine.

If you insist on playing and modding F3/FNV on the Mac, get Bootcamp and W7. Wine is just a bad idea because Bethesda games are buggy enough as is, even without a Wine wrapper. Parallels Desktop or VMFusion will tank the performance because virtualization eats resources so those are out as well.Get Bootcamp, install W7, most problems solved.Also make sure that you only use texture packs if you have a half decent GPU. Wouldn't bother with those unless you have one with at least 1 GB VRAM but that's a matter of personal taste.Oct 30, 2014 18:58.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I'm fixing to start playing New Vegas again and I was getting ready to install this mod until I saw this comment in the OP and was wondering what are the 'obnoxious features' out of curiosity?It adds a company and 'working' engineers to make the whole relighting the wasteland thing more believable and ends up being downright annoying.

The HQ it added, and that's now removed as far as I remember, added lag and crash happiness to it's surroundings on modded games and the engineers just end up being dead and/or in the way aka pointless. Also, it adds EC signs to lamp posts or burning oil barrels in the dumbest places. It's feature creep, that's what it is.In the end it comes down to personal taste so ymmv.May 7, 2015 08:19.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Checking this game out for the first time.

Went through and installed the stability mods and things like FOMM and LOOT and NVSE and the NV4G thing. Everything has been working fine minus some missing textures. Here are some examples:And here is what my FOMM list looks like.Anyone seen something like this?

Let me know if any other info would be helpful. Loving things so far, especially how dark nevadaskies makes night time.Yeah, your loadorder is wrong. Did you actually run Loot?Also, BetterGamePerformanceV3 is outdated, remove it. It might work but the dude who made it likes to pull his V4 or V5 mods in a fit of spergy rage every now and then.Get the NV Stutter Remover and NVAC instead, both linked in the OP.And finally, get YUP, only bugfix pack you'll ever need.

Yuki has a ton more mods but they can be added later and merged, refer to the STEP guide on how to do that. Heck, reading the guide is a good idea no matter what you want to do with your game.May 24, 2015 18:51.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. I've got the Assassin Suit from Dead Money, but is it actually after a different suit then? It only seems to refer to stealth suit MK II etc. Damnit.I think the DM suit is only used as a retexture option so try it with the OWB suit.Also, are you using a bashed patch?

If not, you should.There might be other mods conflicting with the Legacy Overhaul mod but that shouldn't be happening if you followed the Step guide. If the OWB suit ain't working either and a bashed patch ain't solving your problem you could load FNVEdit and check the bashed patch categories for conflicts but that's only a good idea if you know what you are doing.Sensenmann fucked around with this message at 06:48 on May 25, 2015May 25, 2015 06:44.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Install them normally in the order the readme says, follow the individual mod's installation instructions, and then delete the plugins the Convergence readme tells you to get rid off. I think you can just dump the mods into the data folder where applicable and install the Fomods like you'd normally do, just do it in the right order.It's been a while since I played with Convergence and that was with an earlier version, so I might be forgetting or missing some important details.

I also installed it with Mod Organizer, which helped mitigate headaches related to overwriting issues and installation order.All that said, the Convergence readme do feel a bit barebones. I'm still not sure whether Convergence and its associated mods should be early or late in my load order (It's early, right?).Latest Loot releases already do a good job sorting the Convergence patches correctly. I believe the only thing that's not working properly is PN-FOOK with GRA Right to Bear Arms. That has to be loaded dead last, at least on my install, because it overwrites too much poo poo from Fook-PN to be resolved easily.Jun 6, 2015 14:53.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012Anyone playing this on a 150hz Gsync monitor?Reason I'm asking is that I have some really annoying stutters with vsync on. Turned it off and everything was smooth at 150 FPS. However, this being a Beth game I'm assuming that the engine will at some point somehow poo poo the bed with a framerate that high so what's the magic number here?May 27, 2017 21:25.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. How's A Tale of Two Wastelands running these days?

I haven't tried it since it was pretty new and it crashed a lot, but I've been jonesing for a playthrough of 3/NV again.No idea about the Steam version but with the GOG versions it runs like a dream.Having true iron sights, DT/DR and all the other QoL improvements from NV in the capital wasteland without needing mods is a big plus but the most noticable difference is the working LOD. FO3s LOD is broken, even if you regenerate it. FNVs isn't, so stepping out of the vault in the Capital Wasteland is an actual eye opener because you can see and identify poo poo in the distance.In short, I can't think of any reason why anyone would NOT use TTW to play through FO3/FNV again.May 12, 2018 21:52.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. Hello, modding my game after a fresh install and running into crashes based on mod order.

Used loot and only deviation from that recommended order is putting a hair pack at the end per the mod's instruction. If anyone can see something wrong please let me know.What i do know is the CPU percentage tends to get high like 40%+ and then dips to below 1% or just crashes outright in other cases the program isn't responding. Not sure how to pin down going mod by mod but pretty slow. If anyone can help on this thanks in advance.:'3Normal YUP shouldn't be used, it's implemented in TTWFixes, which you should use instead.More Perks has its own TTW version, use that instead.Companion Infinite Ammo is an option in JIP Companions MCM menu, so get rid of the former and use the JIP option.You have the Nevada Skies - TTW Edition installed but you are using the normal one it seems, fix that.And finally, I'd really recommend you make a merged patch with xEdit. That's far from being the biggest load order I've ever seen but a merged patch will still help you.May 21, 2018 10:02.Sensenmann Sep 8, 2012. In theory, we shouldn't need to ever do this again since Mator apparently finally updated to 1.0 about a month ago, which according to change log includes both a fix to actually loving work with the Fallout games and a Quick Patch button so normal people can use this thing.

If this is the case (which I haven't used yet and thus can't verify myself), that should mean that running MS generates just the one Smashed Patch that obsoletes both the Bashed and Merged patches of old.Again, in theory.Yeah, I know. Modding f:nv has been very tiresome so far. Finally got an all singing all dancing pc, used for a start, with tips from the comments (like using the unofficial patch), installed vortex and got to it.Had to disable multiple mods to get it working, then half the cast had floating red boxes for heads so I had to disable NV redesigned, and my current problem is that its running too fast (I have a high refresh rate screen which might be causing it?) and it absolutely refuses to close without me having to restart the computer. Like, once the game is started up it won’t minimise to let me use task manager. At the end of my tether now.Is there anywhere I could get a nice lightweight mod list that will let me close the game & not have to fiddle too much? I’d just like it to: look nicer, run smoothly, and maybe have the best of modded missions etc, nothing fancy. And anyone got any ideas re: the speed?

I’d say its roughly 50% too fast and its affecting my run speed and enemy movement.Whenever I feel like modding FNV I use this as base and build from there. This is far from lightweight but if you read ahead without blindly installing everything you can trim it down. A lot.Apr 10, 2019 16:15.AdbotADBOT LOVES YOU.